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Ode To The Tomato

Magazine exploring the impact and potential of the tomato as a means for climate activism
Climate CrisisClimate Change

With this document, we hope to advocate for the Royal College of Art community to reconnect with nature, simply by gaining a better understanding of the humble tomato and its journey to the plate. By having increased knowledge of how tomatoes are understood, grown, and eaten, we hope to combat climate change in a small but tangible way.

The purpose of this document is to zoom in from broad questions about climate change, food production, and the relationship between humans and nature, to the microcosm of the tomato. After providing a literature review of the psychological and physiological benefits of engaging with nature, we will explore the tomato through case studies, research into the sociological impacts of tomato farming, creative writing, and tomato recipes. These diverse but focused perspectives are intended to show how a single plant or food can impact an entire system, culture, and lifestyle, and conversely, how we, as individuals, might impact or contribute to the world.