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"Nirvana" is a mixed-media animation that explores the theme of "physical and mental confrontation."
Justice Equality and MisinformationInclusivitySpacesThe Body

"Nirvana" is a mixed-media animation that combines experiments with stop-motion animation, live-action photography, lighting, and arrangement to explore the theme of "physical and spiritual confrontation." Its main content is the bursting of a cocktail glass as a metaphor for the relationship between body and consciousness. The work quotes the famous British poem "Do not go gentle into that good night" as a narrative line, telling how to achieve self-salvation through conscious thinking under objective circumstances.

Yuqiao Li
Xiaoran Liu
Qianyu Liu
Jin Fang
Ollie Skelton


"Nirvana" is a mixed media animation that combines experiments with stop-motion animation, live-action photography, lighting, and arrangement to explore the theme of "physical and spiritual confrontation." Its main content is the bursting of a glass as a metaphor for the relationship between body and consciousness. The work quotes the famous British poem "Do not go gentle into that good night" as a narrative line, telling how to achieve self-salvation through conscious thinking under objective circumstances.