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Navigating Speculative Futures: Challenging echo-chambers through a service app with a plugin featur

Open your mind to think critically in the age of social media menace.
Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesSpacesEducation

In recent years, social media platforms have become central to how individuals access and engage with information, shaping their perceptions, beliefs, and behaviours.

However, concerns about the spreading of misinformation, polarization, and echo chambers have highlighted the need for innovative approaches to promote critical thinking, empathy, and constructive dialogue in online spaces.

This project seeks to explore the potential of persona-shifting social media features through speculative design and speculative dreaming approaches as a tool for navigating speculative futures and allowing a choice to the user to critically and empathetically consume alternative perspectives from educational, lifestyle and ecological perspectives.

This project seeks to explore the potential of persona-shifting social media features through speculative design and speculative dreaming approaches as a tool for navigating speculative futures and allowing users a choice to critically and empathetically consume alternative perspectives from educational, lifestyle, and ecological perspectives.

Meet Perspectiva - Promo
Image of a Perspectiva plug in feature on X app
The Perspectiva feature on X app (Plug-in)The posts are specially curated under the Perspectiva tab. Users can also click on the Perspectiva option under normal feed posts to explore Perspectiva take on it. Users can enable Perspectiva in the Settings to manage posts to be seen in the X app.
An image of a plug in feature adapted to the Instagram
The Perspectiva feature on Instagram (plug-in):In Instagram adaptation users will be shown posts recommended by Perspectiva and they can navigate to know in depth. Perspectiva links with the posts and page can guide users to Perspectiva App. An interesting feature is that user has the flexibility to set the frequency of the posts they wish to see. Perspectiva plug-in settings sit within Instagram options.
Image of a homepage of Perspectiva App with squares on top right corner
Homepage of Perspectiva app
Image of a login page of Perspectiva App with two boxes where user needs to fill in login and password details.
Login page of Perspectiva app
An image of a feed page of an app
My Feed page of an AppIn the app, users can learn in more depth about different perspectives in the format of curated and random content at a comfortable pace.