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MindBond is a new way of identity verification and communication.
Being DigitalIdentityArtificial IntelligenceCommunication

MindBond focuses on the relationship between identity and identification systems and the imperfections in the current system. The current identification system is intertwined with racial issues, influencing human life in a seemingly scientific and fair manner. This has led the public to doubt the fairness and accuracy of the current identification system, including artificial intelligence, and has also prompted us to question the ethical significance and effectiveness of these technologies.

We aim to create an alternative identification system using artificial intelligence that focuses on individual traits such as taste, thoughts, and other unique characteristics rather than traditional biometric data. This involves defining and identifying features, collecting relevant data, choosing a suitable artificial intelligence model, and training the model on the dataset to provide its unique traits. The goal is to create a system that offers a more personalized and nuanced form of identification while being mindful of privacy and ethical concerns.

We were inspired by octopuses in both visual and functional aspects, with three distinct modes that enable users to change their mode according to their oven preferences.

Real Self Mode: The first mode is used in the identification process. This mode captures and displays unique data from an individual’s brainwaves. It collects thoughts, memories, and subconscious features into a digital profile. It’s like a brain fingerprint, so everyone can be identified using this mode.

Hide Type Mode: However, this identification system raised privacy concerns, fearing governments or businesses may abuse public privacy. So, MindBond provides a second mode that allows individuals to protect their data. Just like octopuses can camouflage themselves, this mode will enable users to voluntarily share their information, providing more controllable solutions for those unwilling to disclose personal data at any time.

Mind Style Mode: The last mode can transform brainwave data into sound, promoting communication without needing vocal expression. The inspiration for this feature comes from the octopus’s ability to communicate through colour changes and body posture. Individuals can share their thoughts without speaking by using the sound generated by brainwaves. This mode not only enhances communication between people but also transcends the boundaries of species. Because the only thing needed in this process is brainwave data, MindBond can create a universal language among all species on Earth. The interaction of sound generated by brainwaves served as a bond, promoting deeper connections and shared understanding between individuals and various species.

Worldview Development

Worldview Imagination

In the envisioned future electronic world, it is a language-free world where humans have regressed to rely on biological signals for recognition and communication, living symbiotically with animals and plants.



Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive technique used to measure electrical activity in the brain by placing electrodes on the scalp. This method allows for the recording of brain waves, which are unique to each individual and can be utilized for various purposes, including personal identification.

Brainwaves are special features that can be used for identity recognition.