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Meditation Companion

Meditation Companion, a unique physical tool designed to help people achieve the best possible outcomes from their meditation.
Caring SocietyMental Health

Our project aims to promote and optimize meditation practices in innovative ways. For this purpose, we have developed a unique physical tool designed to help users achieve the best possible outcomes from their meditation. Additionally, we have carefully crafted a zine, focusing on how to more effectively use our product for meditation. Our physical tool is ingeniously designed, user-friendly, and suitable for meditators of all levels, whether beginners or experienced practitioners. It integrates the latest scientific research with traditional meditation wisdom, aiming to provide a platform that guides users into a state of deep relaxation and meditation.

We used questionnaires to understand what people found difficult about meditating in our specific age bracket. Then we found that people find it hard to concentrate on their breathing and get distracted and forget to keep mindfully breathing meaning they can't meditate properly. After some research, we discovered ways in which to overcome this problem; which is a simple exercise in which people can follow the outline of their hands to breathe in every time their finger goes down and breath out every time their finger goes up. It works as a way to keep people concentrating on their breath with physical exercise - meaning people are less likely to forget or get distracted.

We designed a small transportable lightweight wooden box that has a simple slit in the top with a small lever that can be pulled down when people are breathing in and pulled up when people are breathing out. Similar to the finger exercise developed by mental health professionals - this helps people focus on their breathing and acts as a physical reminder to meditate meaning people are less likely to get distracted.

We also designed a zine which serves as a visual companion to the meditation product, offering guidance and inspiration that can enhance the meditation experience. The zine describes a brief explanation of meditation and its benefits, and a guide of how to use our product, inviting readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace. We also provide valuable information on creating a supportive environment for meditation practice. Understanding the significance of one's surroundings in fostering a conducive atmosphere for mindfulness, we offer practical insights and tips to help individuals optimize their meditation space.

In conclusion, our project, combining the Meditation Companion with an informative zine on meditation basics and product usage, has proven to be a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their mindfulness practice. By providing both a tangible tool for focus and a comprehensive guide to meditation techniques, we aim to empower users to cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and well-being. Together, these elements create a holistic approach to mindfulness that promotes relaxation, concentration, and personal growth.

Nicky De Tania
Cicely Stanford
Amy Middlemiss
Orla Bond
Jing Cui