London: A city of "untethereds" from around the world
Untethered /ʌnˈtɛðə/ wikipedia: Signifies a state of being free from constraints or physical connections.
London, a multicultural nexus that welcomes "untethereds" from around the world – individuals whose threads extend like taut strands, severed from the fabric of their hometowns, converging in this vibrant city. To anyone who has moved abroad, it's hard to be home in two places at once.
Upon arrival in the bustling city, some may initially revel in the freedom it offers pitting themselves against the beating heart of the city, only to gradually yearn for the camaraderie they left behind. Others may feel an instant sense of disconnection from friends, family, and community, with both types becoming what we call “untethereds.” For some, this prompts them to attempt to replicate their hometown bonds amid nostalgia, while others may retreat inward, grappling with a unique strain of homesickness.
This project seeks to explore and understand the intricate emotions of being “untethered” – a term that encapsulates the experience of feeling homesick, disconnected, and caught between two ways of living. It displays the experience via letters received from "untethereds" across RCA campuses, mainly international students. It also aims to provide a platform for "untethereds" to share their stories and find solace in shared experiences and a community for students experiencing homesickness and feelings of being untethered.