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Labels on the Table

Menus are guides to choices and preferences, much like societal labels.
Caring SocietySocial Care

In the AcrossRCA project, our interdisciplinary group "BeCareful" embarked on a journey to ignite conversations about societal labelling and the acknowledgment of individuality under the theme of 'labels and differentiation among people'. Our chosen tool? A restaurant menu — common yet untapped in its communicative power. This wasn't just any menu, it evolved into a conduit for dialogue, challenging perceptions and celebrating the diverse expressions of care.

Our approach was to reimagine an everyday object as something remarkable. Menus, like societal labels, shepherd our choices. By recontextualising the menu, we aimed to craft a tangible, interactive artefact that could captivate and encourage reflection. With digital graphics and AI-augmented imagery, our menu became a metaphorical spread, inviting interpretation of identity and labels. The physical print medium was purposefully selected to create an immersive, resonant experience.

This menu went beyond food as it was a curated intellectual feast. Each 'dish' represented the multifaceted nature of care in our communities, urging patrons to ponder the societal labels that shape our lives. Our vision transformed a simple list into a showcase of digital creativity and conceptual depth—an interactive exhibit that invited guests to partake in a banquet of thought.