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Kid's Power

Justice for the kids!
Justice Equality and MisinformationEducation

Throughout our research project, we structured our investigation and study around five core questions:

- Who is responsible for checking these works? The Government? Institutions?

- How much control do children have over their usage of technologies on either

social or educational platforms?

- When did kids start being exposed to these technologies ?

- Why do we need data protection for children?

- What are the consequences of violation?

Our approach to exploring these issues included conducting real-world surveys, understanding legal and regulatory frameworks, and engaging in critical thinking about cutting-edge issues.

The outcome of the Kids 11-16 Data Protection Research Project underscores the importance of early and comprehensive education on data protection. By equipping adolescents with the necessary knowledge and skills, we can empower them to navigate the digital landscape responsibly, protect their personal information, and contribute to a safer online environment for themselves and their peers.