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The Ornamental Fish Farming Revolution: Making family fish farming easier with technology.
Being DigitalArtificial IntelligenceTechnologies

When raising ornamental fish, the common problem relates to the inability of users to fully concentrate on enjoying the wonderful process of raising fish.

We categorise the current key points in ornamental fish breeding as: Diagnosis and treat, Water quality, Knowledge, and Psychological frustration. The market for ornamental fish is expanding fast. As such, user demand to raise ornamental fish is also expanding.

To make fish enthusiasts' breeding experience more convenient and comfortable, we tried to build a connection between AI and family fish-keeping. This aims to help solve common problems that people encounter when raising fish at home. The project hopes to gradually let people use and adapt to AI in their lives. 

'Hellofish' is a brand company that helps people raise fish at home, including fish tanks, supporting APPs, peripheral designs, etc. The conception process of the whole system includes the following functional partitions: AI medical diagnosis, Intelligent monitoring, Intelligent device, AI services, Mall, Community. Using AI to analyse and provide suggestions for problems makes family fish raising easier and more enjoyable.

The Ornamental Fish Farming Revolution
Glass fish tank with day and night time different light mode
The APP aims to enable AI intelligent analysis of fish by integrating it within aquarium equipment.
Mechanical battery motor process
Mechanical fish toy prototype
Team members