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Headline Havoc

Headline Havoc is an educational game exploring misinformation and the manipulation of data through the use of language.
Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesEducationCommunication

Our project emphasises the spread of misinformation through words, languages, and biases in the news originated during a visit to the British Museum. We observed inaccuracies in an exhibition about the Middle East, where Palestine and important cities were excluded while other states and territories were mentioned.

Despite the exhibition‘s historical focus, these inaccuracies underscored the subtle presence of misinformation in globally reputable spaces like the British Museum. Recognising its status as a reliable source of knowledge, we realised how its misinformation can establish a new information norm, shaping perceptions for the uninformed. 

In the current political climate, distinguishing between reality and false information can be challenging. We aimed to create a tool that is both educational and engaging, leading us to develop a digital game to increase users‘ critical thinking and awareness.

Stephen Lam
Joey El Haddad
Wolf in sheepskin surrounded by a flock of sheep, Title reads "Headline Havoc"
Some sheep standing around randomly, the title reads "Welcome to Headline Havoc"
Text about misinformation
Sheep standing around randomly, a wolf is peaking into the screen.
Sheep standing around randomly, a wolf in sheepskin enters the screen.
Sheep standing around randomly, a wolf in sheepskin is approaching the flock
Introduction of the characters, the wolf in sheepskin stand in the middle of a flock of sheep.
Visual representation of the game, the wolf entering the screen on a path. There are sheep on and around the path.
A group of sheep protesting against the wolf