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Growth by Mambo No. 5

Growth is a publication as exhibition and an exhibition as publication that encapsulates themes such as growth, space and storytelling.
Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesInclusivitySpaces

Growth by Mambo No. 5 is a book exploring the concepts of growth through the lenses of justice, equality, and misinformation. These words—growth, justice, equality, and misinformation—defy simple definitions as they become deeply intertwined with personal experiences, values, and aspirations. Our approach to understanding these concepts goes beyond traditional definitions. We believe that a dictionary is accurate when it illuminates the tasks associated with words. In essence, comprehending the world requires not only knowing the meanings of words but also understanding the actions, functions, or tasks they entail.

We wanted to create a book that grows by expanding though ideas, opinions, and the passage of time. Our goal was to craft a book that transcends generations, one that invites interaction, learning, and sharing among readers. History often repeats itself or is rewritten. As such, we wanted to capture this duality within the pages of our book. In the midst of the complex challenges surrounding us, including issues of justice, equality, misinformation, and the perpetual process of growth, it becomes essential to engage in conversations about how these themes impact our lives and shape our understanding of the world. Through annotations, graffiti, illustrations, and personal opinions, we aimed to create a living testament enriching the dialogue around growth and its interconnected themes in our endeavours in the future. 

Book Interaction