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Groove Troop

Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesInclusivityCommunication

Our project aims to delve into the complexity of individual choices to embrace solitude through the medium of art, challenging the traditional societal perceptions of loneliness. We focus not only on the social and psychological aspects of loneliness as a universal phenomenon but also on the multidimensional experience of solitude as an individual choice. The project deeply explores the often misunderstood and stigmatised concept of loneliness, aiming to challenge the mainstream narrative that equates all forms of solitude with failure and unpopularity. We believe that by revealing the diversity and complexity of solitude, we can promote an understanding and respect for individual autonomy, thereby encouraging society to approach the choice of solitude with a more open and inclusive attitude, echoing the broader themes of "Justice, Equality, and Misdirection."

We use installation exhibitions to visualise the complexity of choosing solitude, combining sound with photography in a poetic and abstract manner. This attempts to display the complexity behind the choice of solitude. By weaving visual, auditory, and interactive elements together through video installations, we hope that viewers will have a profound emotional experience. In terms of expression, the diversified reasons behind individual solitude prevent us from telling our story with clear boundaries, so we adopt an abstract expression that allows viewers to experience and leave open-ended answers.

Yi Li

Warning: This section contains mature or explicit content.

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