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Gladiator 2.0

The concept of Gladiator 2.0 merges fashion and fitness in a playful way through the use of an AR experience.
Being DigitalThe BodyPhysical HealthTechnologies

The concept of Gladiator 2.0 merges fashion and fitness in a playful way through the use of an AR experience. For our project, we created a handbag that looks like a stone padlock, mimicking fitness gear. We also created a performance that shows how the bag can be used and an AR experience that showcases how the bag would be sold in an interactive shop. The visual language and textures have been carefully chosen to bring in a natural/ historical touch by using stones and metal. 

Nigel Matambo
Graphics design
Gladiator2.0 Performance A performance video created for Gladiator 2.0 project with the aim of showcasing the superior quality of our kettlebell product, resonating across sports, fashion, and fostering creative physical engagement.
Gladiator2.0 AR experience