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Ebbing Chronos

The Ebb and Flow of Time
Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesInclusivityCommunication

"Ebbing Chronos" initiates a philosophical exploration of the concept of time in contemporary art through critical engagement with the medium of installation.  It seeks to question the mechanized and commodified interpretation of time under capitalism, examining the role of clocks in capitalist societies.

By intertwining clocks with the natural phenomenon of the ebbing tide and linking it to the Greek god of time, Chronos, it re-evaluates the original concept of timekeeping.  This metaphor emphasizes that in a utopian society, time flows like the tide, ebbing and flowing, representing a non-linear and unconstrained concept of time. The overlapping of time with the natural rhythm of the tides prompts reflection on the human construction of time and its interweaving with unstoppable natural patterns.