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Visual Language of Data Centre

We aim to simulate the intricate mechanical core of an AI system by constructing a micro server system.
Being DigitalArtificial IntelligenceTechnologies

The AI data centre 

-A digital brain that supports the new Internet era, a cyberlife

AI systems rely on massive computing power and specialized hardware facilities.

By configuring sever hardware into a particular structure, we aim to visualize the workings of this system. This project will bring this digital system that supports our internet age to reality as a physical installation.

We aim to simulate the intricate mechanical core of an AI system by constructing a micro server system. The Data Centre is one part of the whole digital system, the vast number of algorithms, code and electricity are also the vital organs and blood that make up this cyber body.

Rendered images

The model is 3D printed and assembled into a small physical installation. We plan to build in lights and paint it and make this small model the physical brain of this mini digital system.

Visualization of the server
Photo of the main motherboard, various SATA and Ethernet cables connectors, network antennas and the IO interface. The server rack case build is also visible.
Visualization of the server
Visualization of the server
A close up of system health indicator LEDs and a server hard drive. The two exterior images also offer a glimpse into the modular structure of a server case.
Visualization of the server
3D model
Physical installation
Physical installation
Sketch style shot
Sketch style shot