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Cyber WU

Cyber WU is a virtual blessing platform and space for contemporary spirituality
Being DigitalCommunicationTechnologiesSpaces

Chinese Wu-shaman Moutain is named Wushan( 巫山), "WU"( 巫 )means Wu-shaman, and "SHAN"( 山 )means mountains. Wu-shaman Culture nurtured traditional religion culture such as astrology, divination, Taoism, and influenced the whole East Asia region.

"Cyber WU" is a contemporary interpretation space and platform of primeval spiritual thinking. Wu-shaman culture is based on China's primeval belief in the animism of all things, including the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, lakes, winds, rains, and thunderstorms. Our project is a blessing app that uses electronic media to bring this primeval worship of nature into the contemporary information society.

Wu-shaman culture believes that all things are composed of five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Therefore, our app will generate a new electronic spiritual blessing symbol for users based on the blessing attributes symbolized by different elements and combined with the spirits of nature. Users can interact with electronic spirits (watering plants, offering coins, or incense; for example, if they want wealth, they can add the metal element to the plant, which will then grow golden fruits) to pray. Through convenient digital interactive behaviors in the information network society, users can complete ritualistic wishes and blessings in the spiritual community of Cyber WU, reduce anxiety caused by unknown outcomes, and discover their inner needs and desires.

We believe that by combining ancient animism with modern electronic technology, we can provide users with a new blessing experience and obtain psychological comfort. During the user's blessing process, this animistic perspective will subtly reshape people's cognitive forms of the world through aesthetic spiritual thinking, satisfying people's spiritual beliefs and aesthetic needs in an era dominated by scientific rationality and materialism.

Ziyan Zhang
Tao Hong
Cyber WU
Digital Blessing Creature
Digital Blessing Creature
BackgroundChinese Wu-shaman Moutain is named Wushan( 巫山), "WU"( 巫 )means Wu-shaman, and "SHAN"( 山 )means mountains. Wu-shaman Culture natured traditional religion culture such as astrology, divination, Taosim, and influencend the whole East Asia region.
Blessing Process
Blessing Process