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Conversing with Plants: ‘How plants Speak’

We aim to arouse attention and respect for plants.
Justice Equality and MisinformationCommunication


For a long time, human beings have been self-centered in understanding and using nature, trying to treat nature from the perspective of conquerors. This anthropocentrism has led to the unfair treatment of other species. As the foundation and driving force of the ecosystem, plants are often ignored by human beings for their subjectivity and value. This anthropocentrism leads to silence of plants, making their voices difficult to be heard and understood. To challenge this anthropocentric view, we decided to explore the sounds of plants and make them no longer silent in order to capture the attention of the audience and re-examine the relationship between humans and plants, and the ecosystem as a whole.  

Project Goal: 

We create animation and physical installations by recording the sound bands of plants and transforming them into sound visualizations. We aim to arouse attention and respect for plants. Through this installation, we hope to challenge people's prejudices about plant silence and reflect on the validity of self-centered perspectives. Through this process, we aim to promote greater respect and understanding of the value of plants, as well as the importance of the ecosystem as a whole.  


By visualizing the sounds of plants, the viewer can see and perceive the fluctuations and frequencies of plant sounds, and then re-examine plants, creatures that are often thought to be silent. We try to combine different forms of 3D and 2D to visualize the sound of the interaction between plants and the outside world through animation, and project them on the acrylic device based on the sound waves of plants, presenting a more vivid and diverse visual effect. We hope to break the audience's inertial perception of plant silence and arouse their awe and curiosity about plant life. Such a display is not only a presentation of plant sounds, but also provides a variety of possibilities for human perception and thinking.