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Connectivity Beyond Borders

Our project explores international students' experiences with loneliness. What does loneliness mean to you?
Caring SocietyMental HealthWellbeing

Connectivity Beyond Borders aims to bring awareness to the topic of loneliness amongst international students, as it is a very common feeling, yet we think it is not addressed enough. Loneliness is a universal emotion that can come in many forms, and for anyone who has moved away from their home country and loved ones, this feeling may be very familiar. We wanted to gather and share stories of individual people's lonely moments to help others feel some comfort in this feeling.

Our zine is a visual display of the data we have collected from international students at the RCA, as well as personal stories alongside images of objects and crafts made during a workshop we did. The workshop was a way to bring people together and allow them a space to express themselves and their feelings about loneliness through creativity.

We hope that by reading our zine you can resonate with the stories, and remember that everyone experiences loneliness in their own way.

You can find our zine physically in the RCA Library.

Mingjing Chen
Shannanlin Gao
Radhika Ravi
eZine Cover with title of project and some project images
Zine Cover
Table of materials for crafting
Image of someone's hands moulding clay
Table of craft materials being used
Someone cutting pink felt