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Sync in silence, connect beyond words.
Caring SocietyMental HealthSocial CareWellbeing

Collaborock is a furniture design project that’s an exploration of how non-human elements can help foster a deeper sense of care and connection between two strangers. We make use of simple repetitive shapes (ovals) to create a two sided rocking chair with seats that face away from each other and requires both seated participants to synchronize their motion to achieve the rocking motion. The rocking motion, similar to that of an infant’s crib has a calming effect on participants that seems to increase their ability to be vulnerable each other. Additionally the process of getting on and off the rocking chair also requires coordinated care from both parties, forcing an interaction between strangers that transcends verbal communication.

Placed in the public space of school
Placed in the public space of school
Moved to the public space in the city
Moved to the public space in the city
The process from being alone to interacting with strangers
The process from being alone to interacting with strangers
Adjusting the closeness to others through different sitting postures
Adjusting the closeness to others through different sitting postures