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Caring for Hearing Loss - Get closer to their community

Get closer to the hearing loss community and raise public awareness that everyone is at risk of losing their hearing ability!
Caring SocietySocial CareInclusivity

'Caring for Hearing Loss - Get closer to their community' aims to understand the method of communication among hearing-impaired people and try to raise public awareness for hearing loss. This project contains two parts: a workshop and a promotion leaflet. For the workshop, it created a space for RCA students to play games and communicate without speaking. After the workshop, our team also distributed leaflets about how to protect our ears and attached a hearing test QR code to it.

Warning: This section contains mature or explicit content.

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'Chut Room!' Workshop

Chut means to be quiet in Fench, at the same time, it pronounces as chat in English. We want to create a room for chatting without speaking.

Workshop in Art Bar
decoration madeby our teammate
Poster and leaflet
a short introduction about what is hearing loss
playing one of the game in our workshop
playing one of the game in our workshop
learning sign language at the end of our worksho
learning sign language at the end of our workshop
the promotion leaflet
distributing the leaflet around RCA
distributing the leaflet around RCA
distributing the leaflet around RCA