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Calm,my : Mental health AI Assistant

This project aims to create a Mental Health AI Assistant that understands users and helps them lead healthy and vibrant lives.
Being DigitalArtificial IntelligencePhysical HealthWellbeing

Calmmy is an AI Therapist Assistant that understands users' moods and contexts based on the data they integrate. It responds to users' conversations with natural and context-appropriate replies, using Generative AI technology. Additionally, once the user's mood is analyzed, it generates images or videos using prompts based on mood labeling information, thereby improving the user's mood by setting them as backgrounds.

It features functions such as recommending music, suggesting actions, engaging in conversations with Calmmy, and even recommending remote consultations with doctors based on the user's classified state.

Moreover, as the user's usage history accumulates, it can provide personalized services tailored to the user (e.g., birthday wishes, providing appropriate responses based on life events).

Through these features, our product aims to provide empathy and comfort to isolated individuals in modern society, contributing to a more positive and healthier social environment.

Demo Technical Credit: Byoungsam Ko (View Linkedin)

Demo Technical Skill: Stable Diffusion (Generative Image), Naver Clova TTS (Text to Speech), AI Voice Transcription, Voice Recognition, Naver STT (Speech to Text), Figma UX Prototype

Yeonjeong Kim
User Research : How much emotion impacts your daily life
We’ve learned that 90% of people experience different feelings during the day, and these emotions have an impact on their quality of life.
User Research : People want empathy and conversation with someone
87% of people feel more emotionally isolated and experience increased anxiety in the digitalized to society.
User Research : People want empathy and conversation with someone
87% of people responded that their conversations and advice from AI therapist which understands them could have reduced their worries.
Brand name and Slogan
We could define our product as concept and brand. 'Calm,my' It's our AI therapist's name. This name is combine 'Calm' with 'My' and That means finding inner-peace in my mind.
Value Positioning
User can link own data such as health, finance, location, etc and then Calm,my AI model analyze user data and understand the user's emotional status. And last Calm,my can empathize with the user’s emotion and can suggest mood or behavior to relief stress.

Multi Channel Product

Calm,my is multi-channel product such as Smart TV, Smart Frame, tablet and mobile application.

We're offer Calm,my, not only on TV and tablet, but also as a mobile application.

We have designed a seamless experience across each channel and synchronizing with a user’s their life cycle aiming to evolve into the user and most knowledgeable AI therapist.

Available anytime and anywhere to provide the assistance through our AI therapist Calm,my. We aim to enhance the joy in your valuable day.

Mobile Prototype
On-Boarding, Recommend Activity, Telemedicine
Smart Display, Tablet Prototype
Welcome, Small Talk, Activity, Telemedicine