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Educating people about wild bees and the impact of human and environmental factors on their survival rates through a board game.
Caring SocietySocial Care

As a group of designers, we aim to address some pressing global issues from creative practice. By leveraging creativity, interdisciplinary collaboration, and systemic thinking, design has the potential to bring great awareness to some of the most pressing issues facing the world today. We want to engage our community to raise awareness and drive impactful changes in our urban environment.

"Buzzyland" emerged as our creative response to the pressing concern of solitary bee decline, encapsulated within an engaging board game. We discovered that a board game format offered an ideal platform to weave educational content about bees into a compelling gameplay experience.

"Buzzyland" splits players to represent honeybees and solitary bees against each other in a turn-based strategic setting; it is designed for high replay value by varying the game pieces with each game. The outcome involves luck and how well individual species adapt to the urban environment. The land is rearranged and hidden initially, adding unpredictability to each match and ensuring no predetermined winners. Yet, the game subtly reflects the harsher survival realities of solitary bees than honeybees, introducing a strategic imbalance that underscores our educational goal without predetermining the game's outcome.

"Buzzyland" aims to raise awareness and foster empathy towards these crucial pollinators through fun and educational playing experiences. 

Panhan Ho
Yiying Gu
Tossing up
turn base
bee characters
phone scan
The team with the highest pollen money wins the game.