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Build Your Dog

A dog breeding company in 2090
Justice Equality and MisinformationInclusivityIdentityCommunication

Our project starts from the term “Anthropocentrism”, which is the belief that human beings are the central or most important entity on the planet, while other entities such as animals and plants are resources that may justifiably be exploited for the benefit of humankind. We use this concept to explore the relationship between human beings and their pet dogs. Through both secondary research and interview, we concluded that the bond between pet dog and its owner is unethical/unequal as humans are treating the dogs as a tool to fulfill their own emotional needs. And at most of the times, the dogs’ nature is not respected, for we tend to dictate what they eat, where they live, how they behave, how they look, even whether they get to keep their sex organs in ways such as domestication and artificial breeding.

In the outcome, we imagined an utopian future in 2090, when the artificial breeding of whatever cyborgian pet dogs we want is possible. Therefore, we made a promotional brochure for a pet design company. We hope to express our idea in an ironic way, and provoke the readers’ reflections on the unequal/unethical relationship between humans and dogs.

Lan Yao
Xixi Xu