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Beyond Neurodivergence

Beyond Neurodivergence: Conversations with Neurodiverse Artists aims to explore lived experiences and nuances of students at the RCA.
Caring SocietyInclusivity

Originating from our core inquiry on "How might we understand experiences, strengths, challenges, and accommodations related to neurodiversity in art schools and the creative industry?" We recognised that currently there is a gap in intersection of neurodivergence and creative practice. Consequently, this led us to formulate recommendations aimed at nurturing inclusivity and support for neurodivergent individuals within these realms. This culminated in the inception of Beyond Neurodivergence, an online platform dedicated to showcasing the distinctive talents and narratives of artists spanning the neurodiversity spectrum.

At Beyond Neurodivergence, we champion the belief that diversity serves as a catalyst for innovation and artistic brilliance. Our website serves as a canvas for a diverse array of creations, ranging from traditional paintings and sculptures to avant-garde digital art and musical compositions, all crafted by neurodivergent artists. Each piece serves as a narrative conduit, providing glimpses into the multifaceted perspectives of our contributors. We envisage our platform as a dynamic space that continually evolves, shedding light on the nuanced experiences of neurodivergent students at institutions such as the Royal College of Art.

Our ongoing project delves into the daily challenges, emotional landscapes, and caregiving dynamics associated with neurodivergence. Through exhaustive research and intimate interviews with neurodivergent artists within academic settings, we aim to foster awareness and understanding in the future. Looking ahead, we aspire for this platform to serve as a catalyst for open dialogue, prompting institutions like the Royal College of Art to implement frameworks and protocols that foster an inclusive environment for neurodivergent creatives.

Feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss Beyond Neurodivergence for current or future collaborations!

Amanda Pechero
Arushi Shukla
Shannon Swinburn
Madhumita Laddha
Yanghuan Wu
Amanda interviewing Catia
Catia with her art in front of her workspace
Catia's art
Catia with her art
Catia's art
Catia's baby photo
Catia with her art
Amanda interviewing Minghao
Amanda and Arushi setting up the camera
Minghao's workspace
Minghao's art
Minghao's art
Minghao's art
Arushi and Madhumita talking to Minghao
Gabriela's plant
Gabriela's workspace
Gabriela's art
Gabriela's art and part of her workspace
Gabriela's art
Gabriela's art
Catia's workspace collage
Minghao's workspace collage
Gabriela's workspace collage